Sunday, July 01, 2018

A summer Sunday song ...

Good morning friends! Day two of our heatwave and got most of my cleaning done yesterday that I planned to do. I was woken up early this morning by Leo and Merlin as Leo decided to jump on top of Merlin's cage and play patsy with him while he hung from the top. A hilarious scene really. They play like that all the time ...

Okay so this vid is for CJ of her blog CJ & Ink, who actually loves the hot summer weather. Enjoy!  ;)


  1. I sure do feel the heat. We're heading up to the upper 90's today. And no relief in sight. My poor electric bill.

  2. So has Leo decided that Merlin might not be such a bad addition to the household? And have you been able to let Merlin out of his crate for any length of time without Leo freaking out?

    Heat - I live in Phoenix...we are in hibernation mode right now until late September, early October. If you do anything outside you want to be done by 10 and no later than noon, then we come back out after dark. The rest of the year is fabulous!

  3. Hi there Judy, yes Leo and Merlin have been out together but Merlin still has his claws and Leo does not so when Merlin wants to "play" he runs up close to Leo's face and wants to bat at him ... Leo is not so thrilled about that part so we have to supervise their contact somewhat right now.

    You poor girl, I would have a very hard time living in Phoenix. Please stay safe as I am sure you know how to deal with the hot climate.

  4. Sounds like the cats are getting along. Day 2 of the heatwave and I''m loving it. thanks for the shoutout! :-D Hot town, summer in the city. Cool cat looking for a kitty. In the Summer. In the city...

  5. My dear Kim, I so enjoy the photos that you take of your fur babies and then share with us!
    Leo and Merlin are so beautiful!

    Stay cool !!!

    Hugs Always~

  6. Good song for CJ! LOL! Love the kitty photos! So cute! Big Hugs!
