Sunday, June 03, 2018

A Sunday quick post ...

Well, I guess better late than never? I just wanted to share a quick little happening from this weekend. Yesterday, I went to the local FYE Store (CD's, DVD's, etc.) and they are fazing out their stock of music cd's because everyone is downloading music these days and buying less of them. So, what they will do is burn any music cd they no longer have in the store for you from a list of artist-approved groups and such. I asked them to burn a 2-cd Go Go's disc and when I put it in my car cd player unit in my Honda Civic, it played BUT when I tried to eject it, it got jammed ... stuck and I had no way of getting it out! 

Well, I then proceeded to call around the very few stereo stores left in my area and no one would do it for me. They told me I would have to go to a Honda dealer and they would only sell me a new one to replace it rather than simply just get my cd out of the player AND at that it would cost me at least $1,000! Two words came to mind ... NO WAY! I then searched the net to see if I could find a solution to getting the cd out myself, but to no avail. 

Alas, my husband figured it out and with a little work, got my cd out of my player without damaging my player itself or my new cd. I was so happy and grateful to him that I told him that I would cook him his favorite meal ... Angus steak, mashed potatoes and fresh corn ...  

I did; however, find out through my google search that Honda Civic cd players are a bit fussy and sometimes do not load correctly (sit right) inside the player due to the height and/or thickness of the blank cd that was used to burn on. Lesson learned!


  1. Thankfully it all came out good for you Kim! Hubby sure deserved that great meal that you made for him!
    Have a great evening 💮

    1. Thank you, Jan! He told me that he did enjoy it! LOL!

      Wishing you a great evening as well!

  2. Glad you were able to get the CD out of the player.

    1. Me too, CJ. It could have been somewhat costly to fix it. :)

  3. So happy your hubby was able to get the CD out! That meal looks so good Kim! Yummy! Big Hugs!
