Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Saturday post ...

Playtime for the cats ...

Sir Leo
"Come on dude, I dare ya!"


"Okay, too tuckered out. Time for a nap now!"

Tabitha snuggling up with me.


  1. I love your cats. So beautiful. My cat would never snuggle. She always had to be near me, always at my feet, so much so that I had beds for her set up all over the living room wherever I sat, but she would not be held or snuggle.

  2. Merlin and Leo are so cute together. Miss Tabitha looks like a love bug. Have a great day.

  3. Heartwarming and funny post Kim also very touching at the same time~

    Hugs Dear Kim~

  4. I love this post Kim! Thank you for the smiles and the love!! Give your fur babies hugs from me! Big Hugs!
