Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday odds and ends

Yesterday I published a re-post sharing my thoughts on meeting friends via the internet - social sites such as Facebook and most specifically Blogger.

I would like to share with you a wonderful memory of a very lovely woman whom I met a few years ago when she had her own blog, "Wiccan Writes." Her craft name is Robin Larkspur and I had the pleasure of meeting up with her on my way to Kingston, Ontario Canada with my husband and in-laws. We all met for lunch at a Cracker Barrel in Syracuse, New York. We chatted and surprised each other with special gifts as well ...

Robin presented me with this lovely journal book which I still have to this day ...
And beautifully wrapped in green tissue paper decorated with a sprig of her homegrown rosemary from her garden.

I gave her a framed square PA Dutch handmade quilt from Berks County, PA. She liked it so much that she displayed it on her living room mantel. 

I wished I could have met up with Stacy (Magic Love Crow) as well, but she lives in Aurora, Ontario, and unfortunately it would have been way too far of a travel for her to make. Perhaps someday!
(A pic of a cool flag we saw hung up in one of the restaurants we dined in while in Canada.)

Wednesday evening, I actually did get to know better a
very sweet woman (via telephone) whom I have been chatting with on Facebook as we both belong to a really awesome closed group (members only) fan site called, "MASTER, Jimmy Page." She had asked me if I could tag her on a pic I posted which she really liked a lot, but for some reason the tag did not implement. And so I did the next best thing I could think of and IM'd  (private messaged) her the pic so she could share it on her FB page. The next thing I knew, she messaged me back thanking me and told me that if I ever wanted to give her a phone call, she would love to chat with me off line and gave me her cell number. I told her I do not have long distance nor my own cell phone and gave her my land line phone number. She asked if I was available for her to call me that night if I had the time and we talked for at least two hours ... seriously. She seems like such a lovely lady and we had a very enjoyable time! We will most probably get the chance to speak again soon and I told her I would like that as well. Now, I do not make a habit of speaking on the phone to folks I barely know on FB, but I had a good vibe from her and she me. 
Life is strange sometimes, isn't it? 

And last but not least, here is the scoop -  it is National Ice Cream month ...!


  1. Oh Robin. It's good to see her. I enjoyed her blog so much. It's wonderful to meet people we've been chatting with long distance. I've been planning a trip to Boston this summer which I planned to meet a blogger/FB friend, but it doesn't appear that it's going to happen. Not into long traveling with a bad back.

  2. I remember Robin by her name. How wonderful that you both were able to meet and what lovely gifts you gave to each other.
    Stacy is a sweetheart online and offline I am betting she is exactly the same as she is on her blog...talented artist and a beautiful person.
    Have a magical day dear Kim.
    Hugs Always~

  3. So lovely to meet Internet friends or chat with them on the phone. The gifts you exchanged are very beautiful and thoughtful

  4. Kim, do you ever hear from Robin?? I was thinking about her. I hope her and her family are doing well!
    Someday, we might meet. That would be great!
    How wonderful, you had such a great phone call with your new friend from Facebook! Big Hugs!

    1. Stacy, I have not heard from her in quite a while, but last I knew she said she was moving? I hope she is well, too!!

    2. Her and her hubby had bought land. That was the last I heard from Robin too.
