Saturday, July 21, 2018

This and That ... (Part 1)

Happy Saturday everyone! Yesterday, my friend Deb and I spent the day walking around having a fun time at the Green Dragon Farmers Market & Auction. As usual, I found some great bargains. 

One of them was a cute handcrafted cat food and water dish which I plan to put out in Sir Leo's catio ...

Some little handmade cat pillows for only $5.00 each. They can even be used as door stops ...

And this handmade crocheted choker necklace bought at the same stand where I got the cat pillows ... 

I love this comfortable, cool type of clothing and just had to buy these two pieces. An orange dress (I know it looks pinkish in the pic, but it is actually orange) ...

 and purple top.

And we ended our afternoon with new hair do's. I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime. What do you think of my new hair style, my friends?

This evening will be the Weezer concert in Camden, New Jersey. I am planning on posting a few pics tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough to get some good ones. Anyway, it should be fun!

Ahh yes, and just a couple of gratuitous kitty shots to help start off your day ...
Merlin really enjoying the handmade catnip toy I made.

And here is a pic of Sir Leo enjoying HIS favorite nighttime window.


  1. Cool dragon sign!I'm thinking that sign might have to go into the Dragon Relocation Program and be relocated to my Zensical garden. Looks like you had a fun day of shopping and pampering. You look lovely with your new do and purple top. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I wish we had a place like that here in Brooklyn. I'm sure we do, but I'd probably have to travel. You got some awesome buys. I'm like you with the clothing. Your dress and top are just my style and I love them. Awesome choker. Will look great with your hair.

  3. Beautiful new clothing and I love the styles!
    That hand made choker is gorgeous!
    You new hairdo is very flattering. You look lovely!
    Always nice to see the new photos of the fur babies. They look great!!!

    Big Hugs ❤💮❤

  4. Kim, you look amazing!! Truly you do! I LOVE the new hair do!!!!
    You found sound some great treasures! Love the cat dish, the clothing is beautiful and I love the cat pillows! Beautiful necklace!
    Give big hugs to the fur babies!!
