Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday odds and ends

Happy Friday all! I am getting ready for a busy weekend starting today. I will be spending the entire day with my friend Deb and her little grandson, J.J. We will be heading out to the Green Dragon Market and Auction House again then to get style and haircuts together at 2 o'clock.

Proud grandmom, Deb with grandson J.J.

Then, I have tickets to go see the rock group, "Weezer" on Saturday evening at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey. For those of you who do not know who Weezer is, they are a popular/alternative rock group from the 90's. Their hit songs included, "Buddy Holly," "Hash Pipe" and "The Sweater Song" just to name a few. 

And I am finally able to get back into one of my favorite dresses since losing a bit of weight ...
What I love so much about this dress is the crocheted top half ...

Anyway, I am looking forward to it! Wishing you all a GREAT weekend! 


  1. Congrats on fitting into your favorite dress! And have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Sounds like a busy and fun weekend. Can't wait to see your haircut. Queen Dragon Market. That sounds quite interesting. That dress is so pretty. It always feels so good to get into something we didn't think we would wear again.

  3. Great plans Kim! Have a wonderful time in all!
    J.J. is a cutie! Little ones bring joy into our lives and keep grandparents and great grandparents on their toes :)
    You look fantastic in that lovely dress! Congrats on losing a few pounds!

    Hugs My Friend~

  4. Have a great weekend my friend! Sounds wonderful!
    Congrats on getting into your dress!!! Be very proud of yourself! I am!
    Big Hugs!
