Thursday, July 19, 2018

Throwback Thursday

Good times with old friends (um, that is to say "long time friends") is forever something to be grateful for. Perhaps we do not always fully appreciate that fact until many more years have passed, but we are still happy for them none-the-less ...

Then, in 1990 at Flanagan's Pub.

With Dave and my sister Rhiannon in 1995.

Karaoke Night at Flanny's 1996.

 Rhiannon, Dave, and me in 1997.

Now ...
Dave, me, and his wife Deb at his birthday celebration at Flanny's 2015 ...

... and again for his 57th birthday in December of 2017.




  1. Happy times over the years. May you have many more.

    1. Thank you, CJ. And you as well! Have a great Thursday and I hope you are having nice weather today! It is beautiful here this week!

  2. Wonderful photos and great memories of good times with friends and family. Wishing you all good health and happiness now and in the years to come~

    Big Hugs Always

  3. Wonderful photos of family and friends. Such fun and so many memories. Love seeing your photos.

  4. I love this post Kim!! Many happy times! It's great that you've known each other for so long and stayed such special friends! Big Hugs!
