Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Still busy

Greetings friends! I finally got the purple winter scarf done I have been wanting to crochet for my sister Aurora Skye. I hope she likes it.

I started it on Monday night ...

And I had finished the scarf last night ...
My sister really likes sparkly stuff, so I decided to use some light purple-colored yarn I had bought years ago and had laying around upstairs in the attic to add to the tassels ...

I attended the job fair yesterday and they kept a copy of my resume and references after they interviewed me. I am supposed to call them back on Friday for more information on job opportunities so we shall see how it goes. In the meantime, I am still applying for the online jobs listed on the UC website. They also send me emails of anything listed on their job search site. I use them since it is mandatory that I apply or attend a job fair regarding at least two jobs per week or else they will cut off all of my earned benefits! I am also required to keep a detailed log of every little thing I apply for because the State audits everyone all the time. I truly hate dealing with these a-holes and can not wait to get another job ... hopefully soon! Thank you to all of you who sent me best wishes on that front ... I really do appreciate all of your thoughtfulness.  :)

Oh yes, and I also had some leftover yarn from the fall pot holders so I used both to make another pot holder with a loop added to hang it with ...

I was so happy to get the chance to see Aurora's beautiful girl, Pumpkin when I went to visit her on Monday night. Love this kitty, she is the sweetest!


  1. wow, you crochet fast! I like how the light colored tassels breaks up the dark scarf. Hopefully, you won't have to deal with the state in your job search much longer.

  2. I love the color of that scarf. It's gorgeous. You really do nice work. Hope you find something soon. I know how it is to pound the pavement. Wishing you all the best.

  3. Beautifully done on the purple scarf...gorgeous!!!
    Jump through those hoops now or else you won't get a a job!!!
    Sometimes the government can be so demeaning to people!
    Love the solid orang pot holders, too!
    Pumpkin is a cutie and she looks so sweet 🐈

    Blessings dear Kim💮

  4. You are talented Kim! I love that scarf! It's so beautiful! Love the colour! Love the pot holder you made too! You have to do a lot, with keeping your benefits! I pray you find a job soon!! You know we are all thinking of you! I love Pumpkin! Big Hugs!
