Thursday, August 30, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Celebrating The Autumn Equinox

(originally posted on September 23, 2017)

Good evening, my friends! Just wanted to share  few pics from today's Mabon: Autumn Equinox celebration. As usual, my sister Robin (Aurora Skye), Dark Elf, and I got together for our personal group ritual.

Decorative spice-scented Mabon candle and herbal offering ...
Before ritual pic of the altar

Dark Elf (live from Greece)
My sister, Aurora Skye and me

For those of you who do not know, there is a seven hour time difference between the USA and Greece. We began our ritual at 4PM United States time which meant that it was already 11PM in Greece. We are always happy when Dark Elf can join us and always have a great time while in his company! Thank you, Dark Elf!!!

Brightest Blessings all!!!


  1. What a lovely Mabon celebration, dear Kim!
    Thank you for sharing these colorful and happy photos with us!
    Hi Dark Elf! Always nice to see you are able join in with Kim and her sister to celebrate~

    Hugs to All ❤

  2. Brilliant color. So vibrant to match your smiling faces. Did I spy pumpkin whoopie pies? They look awesome

    1. Actually, the cookies that do look much like pumpkin whoopie pies are actually what we call shortbread cookies here. Still very delicious!

  3. Beautiful celebration. I love your altar. Soon the equinox will arrive again. Time passes quicker and quicker.

  4. So beautiful Kim! Thank you for showing this post again!
    (And, thank you for getting back to me about the e-mail with blogger, because I hadn't found anything out myself!)
    Big Hugs!
