Monday, August 20, 2018

Tabitha update ...

Since Tabby's two tooth extractions from her teeth cleaning last Wednesday, she seems to be healing up fairly well. She is eating okay and we have not seen any issues with her as of yet. The next thing we had to do was make an appointment with a cat groomer to get her horrible knots out of her coat. So this morning I called a place called, "Tails A Waggin'" and they happened to have a cancellation and were able to get her in for a grooming at 11:30 am.

 The vet suggested we get her a lion cut but the groomer said she does not actually need that much fur shaved off so she took care of the bad areas. You can hardly tell she is missing much fur except perhaps for the back right side. She does not travel well and she is still not very happy with us for taking her out of her comfort zone a.k.a. the house, but she looks much better now!


  1. glad she's doing well & She looks great!

  2. Sweet girl. Hope she's doing better and has forgiven you. Ink hated a the carrier and car ride. He would yowl the whole way. 5 to 10 min.

  3. Sometimes being a mom is tough...but Tabitha looks beautiful and I am sure she is feeling better, too🐱


  4. Glad she is healing. Cats seem to do so much better than us humans. I follow a livestream where they take care of feral cats. One had 10 teeth out and the next day it was like nothing.

  5. Bless her heart! So happy she is doing well! Big Hugs!
