Tuesday, August 21, 2018

This and That ... and a warning!

Well, the tough job search is on and I have been working hard looking - sending resumes out (via both the internet and regular mail) here, there and everywhere, trying to find job fairs, etc.! No luck so far. The only place I heard from was a company called "Robert Half Financial" which I got off of the mandatory use of the PA Government site called "Career Link" that we are all forced to deal with here! The office personnel from Robert Half Financial called me last Friday afternoon to set up what they referred to as an "interview" which was scheduled for yesterday, but it turns out that they were not intending to see me for an actual interview for a job with them but they are really a temp agency! Are they serious? I only started receiving my temporary benefits ... and mind you, I most definitely earned this benefit as I worked for many, many years putting into it for others to use if they needed it! So I did not go to that "interview" as I NEED a full-time permanent job! I had dealt with many different temp agencies 14 years ago when I had no choice and they all were the worst experiences ever. There is no way I am giving up my UC benefits for job that will only last two weeks or (if I am lucky) a couple of months only to end up back at square one, no insurance at all, and no job yet again when the assignment is over!! Just not happening, folks!! 

In the meantime, I am getting ready for any job interviews which I hope to have soon. I had to buy some new dress clothing because my old clothes no longer fit me any longer since I had lost a few pounds recently ...

Just an FYI: I do not know if any of you have experienced this terrible issue with any of your blogs, but the other day I had tried to access my cat blog called "The Cat Cottage" and a pop-up keeps showing up and from some widgetserver.com site. I do not know what to do to fix it and I even tried the suggestions I looked up on the Blogger help forum and I had asked around and no one can help me fix this problem. One of the biggest problems is that I CAN NOT even sign into my cat blog to access my dashboard to try to fix it because of this freaking pop-up message!! Why am I telling you this? Because if who ever did this hacks into my Wiccan Life blog or my mermaid and dragons blogs, you will you no longer see this blog either! So, if I disappear one day and do not post for a while, you will know why I am gone!!

And last but not least, here are a couple of new cat pics I took yesterday ...

Have a great day everyone!


  1. You look beautiful. That is definitely your color. Good luck on the job search. It's not easy, but I know you are going to find something. I've seen that popup before. There was a blog I follow that had what looked like a very interesting post, but a pop up would block it in a matter of seconds. Have you ever gone to 'Help'. They have a few forums there and I have always gotten help when I had a problem. Maybe they have an answer for you.

    1. Thanks, Mary I will need all the luck I can get! As for the popup, I have already utilized the malwarebytes software that CJ spoke about below, but it did not solve the problem unfortunately. I will try changing my password on my mermaid blog because I can not access my cat blog to be able to change my password any other way. Weird thing is, the password for my cat blog is the same account password as my mermaid blog? Very, very strange!

  2. Pop-ups tend to indicate Malware or a virus on your computer. I use Malwarebytes free malware remover. https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download/ Malwarebytes will quarantine the malware if it finds it. After running the malware scan, I would run a virus scan on your computer.

    1. Thanks, CJ. I actually have already used the malwarebytes.com but it did not fix the issue unfortunately. I can not access my cat blog in order to change my password in the event that I was actually hacked? However, my cat blog is linked to my mermaid blog as they have the same account password so I can try to change my cat blog password by using the dashboard there I guess?? Anyway, thanks for the info!!

  3. Forgot, if you suspect your blog was hacked, change your password if you haven't already done that. Again, I'd run the malware and virus programs.

  4. Best wishes for a permanent job to be found soon.
    You look lovely in your new outfit. It is also a nice outfit for a job after you find it.
    I am sorry to hear of the problems you are having Kim...Hugs~

    1. Thank you, Jan. I truly do appreciate your kind words of encouragement! All my best!

  5. Good luck with the job search.

    And temp agencies should be listed as such with Job Services (what they call it in Kansas). Wonder if Pennsylvania's equivalent even knows that the outfit is a temp agency? Kansas get real testy with places that misrepresent themselves.

    1. Thank you, Judy. I agree, you would not believe what the State of PA allows people to get away with here! Sounds like I should move to Kansas, they seem to have a lot more common sense!

      Have a good one!

  6. You look amazing Kim!! A job will come soon, keep at it!!
    I'm sorry about your computer! I know for me, I had porn show all up, but I was able to go into my blog. Do what CJ said. Sorry I have no advice for you! Good luck!
    Give your fur babies hugs!
    Big Hugs!

  7. beautiful! good luck with the job hunting!!
