Sunday, September 30, 2018

Weekend post (Part 2): Celtic Classic

Another terrific year spent at the Celtic Classic Highland Games & Festival in Bethlehem, PA! This annual event is HUGE and simply one of the best around. One of my favorite things to do there, watch and enjoy the Bagpipe Competition ...
These musicians hail from all over the place ... New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ottawa, Canada to name a few!

Plenty of great food ...

Lots of really awesome music!

Tons of vendors ...

While walking through downtown, I snapped a pic of the Lehigh River. This is how high it looks after all of the rain we have had during the past few weeks ...

Heading back home again and waiting for the shuttle bus to take us back to our car.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Weekend post (Part 1)

Greetings one and all! Just a few pics from Friday. My sister Aurora Skye surprised me with these beautiful home grown gourds from her garden which we will use on our Samhain altar this year and a lovely mermaid note pad set which she was sweet enough to bring back for me from she and her hubby's vacation to Maine ...

We started out at Blue Ball Marketplace where I found lots of goodies! Since I can not put up a Samhain tree this year due to Merlin being too young as of yet, I decided to buy this one and decorate it a bit.

I could not resist these delicious smelling candles!

A blueberry scented oil.

This is a cool magic wooden cat trinket box. I am using it for my jewelry.

After we were finished shopping there, we headed for a bite to eat for lunch at Shady Maple Dutchette, located in The Shady Maple Smorgasbord & Gift Shop. And, of course, since we were already there ... LOL!

Two new Jim Shore figurines.

A mermaid ring holder.

Fish earrings.

Pretty new ring and mermaid flexible bracelet.

Last stop on the way home, a snack deli called, "King's."

Yogurt covered pretzels, vanilla & chocolate sugar wafers, and assorted fruit Tootsie Rolls.

I leave you with a pic of Leo enjoying his new favorite throw rug.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Fun Friday!!

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Busy weekend and a very busy month ahead as well. While they may be calling for rain here all day, I am getting ready to head out soon with my sister Aurora Skye to visit a cool place called The Blue Ball Outlets in, yep you guessed it, Blue Ball, PA. It is a neat indoor market place where you can find all sorts of bargain items.

Then, tomorrow I am planning on attending the Annual Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, PA. I can't wait for that either actually! I have posted some really good pics of this event in past posts so if you are interested in checking them out, just click on my sidebar under Celtic Classic. 

Have a Blessed weekend all!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Images of Samhain past

Reading tarot with my good friend Waterfae.

The Samhain/Halloween tree. Of course, there will be no Samhain or Yule tree this year because Merlin is too young yet. He is still a kitten and will not be able to help himself from playing with those "shiny little dangly things" hanging from the tree ...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Back home again (Part 2)

Merlin is now back home safe and sound. He was so happy all he did was purr, give kitty kisses and roll around in his cat carrier on the way home in the car. Leo also missed him and was very pleased to see him back home. All day yesterday and this morning he kept searching the house looking for him.

Merlin loves being loved on. No activity for the next few days and we are to give him Lexicam (liquid pain meds) orally in a syringe for the next couple of days starting tomorrow. After that, we can finally take him off the leash and allow him total and free access to wonder around the rest of the house with the other two cats. One aside, Dr. Mike's staff added this little notation in the comments section of Merlin's Post-Surgery Instructions ...

The afghan is coming along nicely so far.

A couple of added silk flowers for the kitchen table.