Thursday, September 27, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Images of Samhain past

Reading tarot with my good friend Waterfae.

The Samhain/Halloween tree. Of course, there will be no Samhain or Yule tree this year because Merlin is too young yet. He is still a kitten and will not be able to help himself from playing with those "shiny little dangly things" hanging from the tree ...


  1. I love the decorations on your Samhain tree especially the black cat. Ink didn't really bother with decorations on the Christmas tree. I did hang some Ink safe ornaments on the bottom of the tree. He liked to bat a few small bells. For the most part, he just liked to lie on the tree skirt and hang out "in the woods"

  2. Your Halloween tree looks good :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Love your Halloween tree!!! Love the picture of you and your friend! Big Hugs!
