Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Back home again (Part 2)

Merlin is now back home safe and sound. He was so happy all he did was purr, give kitty kisses and roll around in his cat carrier on the way home in the car. Leo also missed him and was very pleased to see him back home. All day yesterday and this morning he kept searching the house looking for him.

Merlin loves being loved on. No activity for the next few days and we are to give him Lexicam (liquid pain meds) orally in a syringe for the next couple of days starting tomorrow. After that, we can finally take him off the leash and allow him total and free access to wonder around the rest of the house with the other two cats. One aside, Dr. Mike's staff added this little notation in the comments section of Merlin's Post-Surgery Instructions ...

The afghan is coming along nicely so far.

A couple of added silk flowers for the kitchen table.


  1. Merlin is very cute,and Leo is very handsome. Glad your household will be getting back to normal

  2. Pleased that Merlin is now home … and doing well.

    All the best Jan

  3. So happy Merlin is home! Love the pictures of your fur babies! The afghan is looking great! Love your flowers! Big Hugs!
