Saturday, September 01, 2018

A Saturday post and a Fall giveaway

Happy Saturday to all! I hope everyone is having a good one. The weather here has been terribly humid again and the rain is actually a welcome blessing after this past week! 

On Thursday after I had gotten home from dinner with my sister, I received an email from a very nice fellow Wiccan from the Wicca Pagan Community site who politely asked me if I would be willing to please write a little post regarding altars. He said that he really likes my blog and would appreciate my input on his Wiccan site. So, I sat down Friday morning and began writing the post and then I had emailed him the finished article. The article is titled, "The use of Sacred Altars" by Lady Caer Morganna - However, it has not gone live on his site as of yet and so out of respect and courtesy I have decided not to share my written post here at this time. I have included a link to his Wiccan site: I have also visited his website and I have found it to be quite good. Please feel free to check it out!

)o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(    )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(   )o(

Well, it has been a little while since I had a blog giveaway and because I love fall so much, I have decided to hold one again now. This giveaway will be for one of my small handmade fall wreaths ...

If anyone is interested in being added to the wreath drawing, please leave a comment on this post to let me know. The drawing date will be on Saturday, September 15th. As always, my giveaways are my way of showing my appreciation for my friends and followers so in order to join the giveaway you must be a follower of this blog.

Brightest Blessings all!


  1. Fall? Too early! Too early! The equinox isn't until Sept 22. Please, don't rush the season. =^,.^= I want to enjoy some more hazy, hot, and humid weather. Have a great holiday weekend.

    1. Sorry, CJ! LOL! Does this mean you don't want to be added to the drawing? ;)

  2. Oh I would definitely love to be added to the list. And I will definitely be on the lookout for your article. Going to check out his website now. Thank you for the info.

  3. Just checked it out and your article is there. Congrats, my friend.

  4. Great article! How exciting that you were asked to submit your writings.
    There is a lot of info on his website as of course as on your blog , my dear friend....very interesting articles here, too!!!
    Please enter me in your drawing for this beautiful autumn wreath~

    Hugs and Blessings~

    1. Absolutely, Jan! You have been entered in the drawing, dear friend!!

  5. Great article Kim! Excellent write! Congrats!
    Of course I would love to be involved with your giveaway! I love your wreaths. If it's not too expensive to send to Canada!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stacy! I am happy to add you to the giveaway!!

  6. Thanks for the great and very helpful information and thanks for your lovely comments and it's very interesting and clever way.
