Friday, August 31, 2018

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday all! Last night, I enjoyed a very lovely dinner with my sister Aurora at Flanagan's Pub. I gave her her scarf and she said she really loved it. Our sweet friend and bartender, Meg was kind enough to snap this pic of us. :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


  1. Oh, that scarf is gorgeous. You and I seem to think much alike. A few weeks back I stopped in the 99 cent store to buy yarn for my class and guess what color I chose? LOL!!!

  2. Two happy faces...lovely!!!
    And one of them has on her pretty eye makeup that she bought recently :)
    Love the Leo one...i accept it with pleasure :)

    Big Hugs Dearest Kim~

  3. Kim, I just wanted to make sure you got my comment I left on this post?
    Just incase not, you two look so beautiful! So happy Aurora loved her scarf! Big Hugs!

    1. Stacy, thank you for letting me know because I actually did not get your comment for some strange reason. Blogger must be messed up again!

      I also left a comment on your latest post but I got a moderation message so I do not know if you saw it or not? I know that you never moderated your comments before to my knowledge. Anyway, I left you a comment and will check back on your blog later on today to see if you got it yet.


  4. Hey Kim, I am so glad I came by and commented again on this post! I don't know what is going on with blogger.
    On my blog, it says I am moderating my comments and now I'm not getting them e-mailed to me anymore! Going crazy! LOL! As long as you know I'm here, that's what counts and thanks for checking in on my blog about your comment!
    Big Hugs!
