Friday, September 07, 2018

Fun Friday!!

Yes indeed, it's Friday folks and it has been yet another busy week here. I ended the week meeting my sister and twin soul, Rhiannon for lunch yesterday while I was out and about dropping off my resumes at a couple of local businesses ...

We are both so busy these days that it has been far too long since the last time we took some time to catch up on things. Anyway. I am forced to stay home today and wait for a phone call from the 'U.C. police' (as I commonly refer to them) aka the PA State Government Unemployment Compensation Dept. On top of auditing you every week, they "check up" on you after 30 days via the phone and then they bug you, I mean call you, again in another 90 days. Better be an obedient, good little tax payer (and yes, even though I am currently unemployed, I still pay taxes through BOTH my U.C. benefit payments which were technically taxed the first time around when I worked and they took it out of my pay for others to use and they are also taking their cut of whatever severance pay I receive from my last job). I must have my mandatory job search log at hand for when they ask (or should I say interrogate) me over the phone. Okay, I am done venting, thanks for listening. I feel better now! LOL!!

Moving on, I wanted to share this little bit on a charity called:
Spirit of Children that I heard about when I shopped at the local Spirit Halloween store the other day. I included a link to the site in case anyone is interested in reading more about it. I donated when I checked out and when you give up to a certain amount, they give you these nice little rubber wrist bands to wear in support.

And, of course I just had to grab these two really cute little tee shirts while I was there ...

>^^<       >^^<      >^^<      >^^<      >^^<      >^^<

In other "mews", Merlin is growing like a weed. He and Leo simply adore one another and are constantly playing ...

... and snoozing together. They are quite the buds! Oh yes, and I bought Leo a new high velocity fan at Lowe's Hardware store for his catio since his old one finally called it quits.

And so now I will leave you all with good wishes from my sister Rhiannon for a wonderful weekend! Brightest Blessings, friends!


  1. Ugh, having Big Brother keep tabs on you must be the pits. My eyes turned green when I saw the kitty t-shirt. Too cool! Awww, cute kitties getting along. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Terrible. Shame that you have to be hounded like that. Do they really think you like being without a job? And what if you had a job interview today? To make you miss out because of their phone call? Just doesn't sound right. Reminds me of a time many years ago when I'd been forced to apply for public assistance. I kept look and found a job. When I notified them they told me I could still get a few dollars in food stamps. Don't remember how much it was, but it wasn't enough to do much with. Well, they made me take off every two months for an in person interview. The clinker was when they insisted on doing a home visit. That's when I told them where they could shove the measly pennies they were giving me. Boy, did I celebrate my freedom that day. They wanted me to work, but they were always make me take off a 'new' job. Only a matter of time before they would have made me lose it.

  3. You and your sister had a wonderful time together...I can tell by those big, happy smiles.
    It is amazing how much paperwork the government calls for...whether it "IS" on paper or by computer.
    Wishing you the very best in your job hunt Kim.
    Love the T-shirts!!!
    And of course I adore Merlin and Leo and their antics :)


  4. Beautiful picture of you two!
    I am so sorry what you have to go through, with the government! I guess the people who scam the government has wrecked it for the honest people!
    Love the shirts! The charity is wonderful!
    Give your fur babies hugs from me!
    Big Hugs, Kim!

  5. Lovely picture of the two of you.

    Paperwork, paperwork - there is always plenty of that!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. looks like a great time! glad you got a new fan for the catio:)
    I always get some of those awesome bracelets from spirit Halloween, love that charity.
    Your shirts are adorable!I didn't see that cat one when we were there. great find!
