Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, Monday ...

Here it is Monday again and yet another rainy day here! It has been cold, damp and rainy for the past three days in a row and still coming down ...

Not much else to do but work inside the house and chill out with the cats today ...

I did put out a couple of more fall decorations in the kitchen I just bought on sale at our local Boscov's Store. A ceramic paper towel rack and napkin holder ...

Oh yes, and while I was cleaning out the bedroom closets over the weekend, I found an old Goddess of Love Halloween costume from a couple of years ago when I weighed um, lets just say A LOT more then I do now ...

Before ...

That same dress now ...

That is about it for now, how was your weekend?


  1. Cold and rainy weekend, here, too. The kitties have the right idea. Your goddess costume looks fabulous on you then and now. Stay warm and dry for today. Summer is supposed to make a return here this week. Hope you get some Summer weather, too.

  2. We've got the same weather here. Actually wore my flannel gown last night. Wow, you did lose a lot of weight. Congrats to you. You look awesome.

  3. Enjoy the rain and the chill dear much better than hot and can't breath humid :)
    Beautiful costume for a beautiful Goddess!
    Congratulations on the weight loss~

    Blessing and Hugs~

  4. Love the song by Mama's and Papa's.

    You did lose a lot of weight … well done.
    Love the photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. Good for you Kim! I'm proud of you!!! Big Hugs!

  6. chilly? rainy? what?
    that sounds pretty amazing right about now:)
    the paper towel rack and napkin holder adorable!
    you look lovely in your costume..then and now.
