Friday, September 21, 2018

Happy Friday!

Just a really quick post for Friday. I finished the cat's blanket. As you can see, it is Tabitha-approved ...

I even had a little left-over yarn in which to make a tarot card bag. :)
Wishing all a wonderful weekend!


  1. Tabitha looks happy, comfy, and cozy with her new blankie. Your card bag is adorable especially the black cat button/applique?

  2. It is a beautiful blanket and as you said it has the approval of Tabitha! Who can argue with that logic 😸 Neat idea for the left over yarn and it looks great!!!


  3. Tabitha looks very comfortable on it.

    All the best Jan

  4. You are amazing Kim! Wow! The blanket looks amazing and I love the card bag! You could sell your creations! Tabitha is so cute! Big Hugs!
