Thursday, September 20, 2018

What's new?

Greetings everyone! Well, here we are, it is Thursday already. Where are the weeks flying to? Just a few little things happening this week. Yesterday, I used up a couple of discount coupons to do some odds and ends seasonal shopping. At Spirit Halloween, I picked up this cool tall white High Priestess candle and the kitchen towel pictured above, as well as some really cheap small plastic cups  ...

While I was there, I bought the last item needed for the Witches' Masquerade Ball ...

 The finishing touch, a half mask.

I also stopped off at our local A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts Store located in the same strip mall to get these little sale items - wooden hanging decorations and some scans of yarn ...

I used pink yarn to fix an old baby doll knitted hat which someone had handmade for me many years ago when I was a little girl. Somehow, it got unraveled at the bottom and since I do not know how to knit, I just tried to crochet it ...

There, finally FIXED as best I knew how ...

I bought a few skeins of segregated yarn (called "Blue Coconut") and some yellow ("Soft Yellow") to make a nice soft blanket for my kitties. I started it last night ...

I was invited to Taco Night on Tuesday for dinner with my dear friend Kiki and her four grandchildren at the Sinking Spring Fire Company Social Quarters ...

Kiki, my beautiful god-daughter Kyli, and her little sister Kayleigha.

Posing with Kiki-girl.

Kiki, Kyli, Kayleigha, Ayden, and Anthony Jr.

Kiki having some fun!

Well, that is about all for now, Leo says, "Have a great day, y'all!"


  1. I love the black cat cups, and your mask will look awesome with your dress. You did a good job repairing the little hat. You crochet fast. The kitty blanket look like it's almost finished. Looks like a good time was had by all for taco night. You'll spend all the time making the blanket and Leo will lie on the floor. =^,.^= Happy Friday Eve

  2. Such a lovely post, I really enjoyed seeing your photographs, thank you.

    I do like the kitchen towel and your half mask looks really good.

    All the best Jan

  3. Great photo with Kiki and the family.
    Your half mask is going to be perfect with your beautiful dress!
    Fun little treasures you found.
    And of course Leo is handsome as ever!

    Great post Kim!!!
    Hugs ❤🎃❤

  4. Hi Leo! He is so cute! Love your new treasure Kim! All wonderful! The mask and your dress look so amazing!! You look fantastic! You're going to have so much fun! You did so well repairing the hat! Good for you! The blanket looks great for your fur babies! Looks like you had a great time on taco night! Love the pictures! LOL! Big Hugs!
