Saturday, September 15, 2018

This and That ...

Happy Saturday! Getting ready to head out soon to a fall festival with my friend Deb today. But before I do, I thought I would share a couple of my personal scrapbooks that I have created. I got into it a couple of years ago and I so enjoy making them. I made one for all of my special Halloween pics and memorabilia from the time I was in junior high school and I just keep add more to it every year.

... and in loving memory of my absolute all-time favorite men's figure skater, Christopher Bowman, I created a very special scrapbook ...

Now, for the winners of my giveaway, yes that's right I said winners. I added another little prize as well - a fall pumpkin decoration. I asked Merlin to pick the winners ...

The winner of the fall wreath is Jan from her blog "Welcome to My Thoughts" ...

And the winner of the fall pumpkin is Mary from her blog, "Moontides" ...

Congratulations to Jan and Mary! Please email me your addresses in which to send your prizes to at Thanks and have a wonderful weekend, my friends!!

)o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(       )o(        )o(        )o(

 "To watch his Men’s Free Skate program in the 1989 U.S. Championship, especially knowing of his inner struggles at the time, is to witness humanity at its near best." - VOICES I


  1. Oh my. Tears of joy. You don't know how you have brightened my day. They are going to start work here early this morning and although I know it is all for my own safety, I am dreading it. Thank you so much for making my day.

  2. I totally love it and will treasure it always. I'm so excited.

    1. I am so happy that you love it! It makes me smile, too! Congrats, my dear friend!!

  3. Well, I have just woke up and haven't even had my coffee yet because I was so excited to see who won! Yes, I was hoping it was me...yes!!! This beautiful little gem is going in my witch cottage where it will feel right at home with all of my other treasures!!! Thank you dearest Kim 🍁🍂🎃👻 and to Merlin, too 🍁🐈🍂
    Congratulations to Mary also...wahoo!!! 🍁🎃👻🍂


    Love those scrapbooks...always a great idea 🍁

    Hugs and Much Love Always 🎃💮🎃

    1. So thrilled that your fall wreath will have a new home in your awesome witch cottage, dear Jan ... the perfect place for it indeed!!

      Love and blessings to you always! Congrats!!!

  4. Your scrapbooks are so joyful. I love how Merlin picked the winners. Congratulations to them. Enjoy your day at the festival.

  5. I love the scrapbooks Kim! They are wonderful! How fun!
    Congrats Mary and Jan! How special!
    I hope you had fun at the fall festival! Big Hugs!
