Friday, September 14, 2018

Fun Friday and a reminder!

Just a little reminder for those who entered my giveaway that tomorrow is the drawing for the small Fall wreath. :)

I have decided that since I had gotten such a great response to the Leafy Lanterm (both here and on Facebook), I would share with you another version of this lantern which is slightly different, but the same concept. It is a much smaller version of the one I posted about previously and instead of using a string of white Faerie lights (white lights) I had to use a tea light. Unfortunately, it is far too early around here to buy much of a variety of lights, and the smaller strings are not sold until closer to the Thanksgiving season. But you get the same type of effect none-the-less ...


  1. I love that candle and plan on trying to make it....after all this mess is cleared up in my house. Note, that I said try. These kind of crafts I am not very good at.

  2. A small, scented, votive candle would be nice, too. But no pumpkin stuff until next week. We still have 7 days of Summer left =^,.^=

  3. I will definitely be making one of those tea light decorations!
    It may not be officially autumn but it is meteorological autumn...that's good enough for me :)

    Hugs and Blessings

  4. I love your lantern! How beautiful!! I must have missed the original post! I have to look for it! Big Hugs!
