Thursday, September 13, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Leafy Lanterns

Countdown to Mabon: Leafy Lanterns

Here is a fun and inexpensive decoration you can make for Mabon. Most of the materials you need are probably already in your home!

You will need:

1 large clear glass jar (Mason jars are ideal)
Wax paper
Autumn leaves or colored silk leaves from the craft store
Green or orange ribbon
A string of 35 white lights (50, depending upon how large your glass jar happens to be)
scotch tape

Measure wax paper long enough to wrap around your jar.  Fold the wax paper in half length-wise and arrange the leaves as desired inside the folded paper. You can use the tape to keep them in place if you wish. Wrap the paper around the jar and secure with strips of tape. Fill the jar with the white lights (also known as "faerie lights") and plug in. Tie the ribbon around the rim of the jar.


  1. Thanks. That looks like fun to make. Going to save this.

  2. Love this beautiful and magical idea! You can bet that I am going to try this one...thank you Kim!!!

  3. What a great idea! Mind if I pass it on to my daughter? She works with special needs kids. Wonder if it could be adapted to plastic jars? Wonder how hot the jars get with all those lights in them?

    1. Judy, you are more than welcome to share this idea with anyone you like. Not too sure about the plastic jars, but I will say that the lights do not get very hot and heated up too easily or quickly. Mine never do and I have had them on all night long. :)

    2. Thanks!

      We will have to make one and find out.

  4. Looks so good, many thanks for sharing this idea.

    All the best Jan

  5. This is an excellent idea! I love it Kim! Will be making one! Thank you! Big Hugs!
