Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday odds and ends ...

Happy Friday! This morning while on FB, my friend Meg (from Flanagan's Pub) posted this on her page:

'Look who visited my neighborhood today! This morning around 9:45, walked right down the street in front of my house, he even stopped at the stop sign before continuing!'

We see quite a lot of deer (both doe and buck) especially around this time of the year because fall is their mating season. Just a couple of weeks ago, I saw one crossing a street while driving home from a friend's house in the suburbs. Luckily, the car in front of me saw her and stopped in time for her to safely cross and run from someone's front yard into the wooded area across the street.

Found the perfect place for my large elemental chakra pyramid yesterday afternoon while doing my cleaning. I placed it on a small table below the hanging prayer rug ...

I worked on more organizing of my altar room and supplies ...

Assorted incense sticks and cones.

Essential oils and tightly sealed herbs in bottles.

Assorted votive candles.

A little place to store my mugs, dishes and snacks.

My various handmade scented bottles.

My husband is trying to fix the tankless water heater as we have not been able to keep the water hot. The water heater is affixed to the wall near and above where the large black plastic bins/drawers where I store my sealed herbs and are located on the left-hand side of the last pic.  So, I had to put the make sure that I put the pyramid in a place where it won't get broken. It is extremely delicate and I must be very careful with it! I will have to move the storage bins and a couple of other things so that he can get to the water heater and work along the wall. I pray he can fix it. We can not afford another unit right now to replace this one. As always, never a dull moment. 😵

Also gathered up all of the supplies for decorating the fall and seasonal besoms and wreaths ...

On a more upbeat note, this weekend we are planning on going to New Hope, PA with my friends Deb and Dave. They have never been there before and this is the perfect time of the year to go. Beautiful scenery! If it doesn't rain, it should be a very lovely day! 💚💙💜💗

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Your pyramid is gorgeous. Wow, and I thought I had a lot of essential oils and candles. You've quite the collection. I love them. Hope your hubby can fix that water heater. They must be pretty expensive. Enjoy your trip to New Hope. Take your mind of things.

  2. Sweet deer pics. Funny how s/he stopped at the stop sign. I know we have deer as I've seen footprints in the snow and have seen them eat the tops off shrubs and bushes in the winter, but I've never seen them at any time of the year. Loved a peek in your room. So very nicely organized. I feel your pain with the water heater. Our garage door fell apart so we have to have it replaced. The joys of owning a home. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Doesn't your pyramid look great!
    Amazing to see the deer, we see them in a nearby forest occasionally.
    Hope your husband can fix the water heater, hate it when things like that go wrong.

    On a positive note have a great weekend, nice to be spending time with friends, and I hope you get good weather.

    All the best Jan

  4. You've been doing lots of cleaning and organizing! It all looks great Kim! Where you placed your pyramid looks beautiful! I really hope your hubby can fix the water heater! Thinking of you!
    Love the deer pictures! Big Hugs!
