Thursday, October 11, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Random pics

My friend Deb's grandson, J.J. at a pumpkin fest last weekend ...

Deb's daughter, Rayann (J.J.'s mommy). Check out her beautiful Pisces eyes ...

Rayann and J.J.'s daddy, Julian ... happy couple!

An old pic from a company Christmas Party back in 1994 ...

A cool pic of The Reading Pagoda all lit up for St. Patty's Day ...


  1. The pumpkin inspector looks very serious. So cute.

  2. Oh I love these pictures. Love seeing family and friends.

  3. Lovely to see these pictures.
    My grandchildren love choosing their pumpkins, which they will be doing quite soon now!

    All the best Jan

  4. Great pictures Kim! Thanks for sharing them! Big Hugs!
