Monday, October 08, 2018

My final Chakra Pyramid ...

Yesterday afternoon, I picked up my last and final chakra pyramid of three which my spiritual advisor had special ordered for me from a woman who creates them and who lives in Canada. These pyramids are made to order and can not be ordered or found anywhere online. Erica has a patent on them and created them to specific measurements, sizes, colors, gemstones, etc.

These pyramids are used for various purposes and should be used as to your individual needs. They are the only chakra pyramids of their kind.

My first pyramid was created to aid in balancing. All of these pyramids have a mirror on the inside of them.

My second is for love and harmony ...

The final pyramid (and the largest one of the three) is one which I was asked to create for myself. I picked the gemstones and colors, and I chose to use this one for elemental spell work, meditations, etc. I used blue (Water/West), yellow (Air/East), red (Fire/South), and green (Earth/North).  I picked the corresponding gemstones for each side and a large amethyst crystal at the top to represent Spirit.

This last pyramid took months to receive as there were a couple of life delays, but I am very grateful to have finally gotten it. I love it and it was well worth the wait! I am currently re-arranging my reiki room in order to find the perfect place for it.


  1. Your pyramids are gorgeous. Must say you have me a bit jealous here. They are going to bless you greatly.

  2. I have never heard of Chakra Pyramids in my Reiki circles. Yours are so beautiful.

  3. Wow Kim! They are all truly breath taking!!! So beautiful and gorgeous! Enjoy them!! Big Hugs!

  4. I think your pyramids are brilliant …

    All the best Jan
