Monday, October 08, 2018

Monday this and that ...

Happy Monday everyone. Just a couple things happening here lately. As of this past weekend, Merlin has finally been leash-free and almost cage-free as well as we have given him free run of the house. Of course, he is still a kitten and as such is still very active and runs around like a crazy cat, but he will eventually learn the do's and do not's of being a full time house cat. As you can well imagine, he is more than thrilled ...

Ahh, freedom, sweet freedom!

Watching the 'nature show' going on outside from the living room window.

Well-behaved kitties get rewarded, adorable kitties eat their treats from the palm of your hand.

I also found a cool little item at Ollie's Bargain Outlet last week. It is a ceramic mermaid/fish tail. It is actually supposed to be used as an automatic diffuser with USB plug-ins, but I decided I would rather forgo all that baloney and use it to burn my tea lights in ... lol

Well, it appears that we have an uninvited guest at our house. Apparently, a groundhog has decided that he wanted to dig a large hole in our yard (far too close to the house, right along the living room front and close to the cellar). So, we have to get rid of him somehow. I am not a big fan of killing animals, so I read somewhere that if you place used cat litter around the outside of the hole where the groundhog is living, it will deter them from staying as they will smell it and think it is a predator. We decided to try it with Merlin's used Yesterday's News litter (newspaper pellets) because it is biodegradable. We shall see if it works, I truly hope so! I do not want to think about actually hurting this guy; however, groundhogs  are extremely destructive and can do thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home and property. We can not afford that. Keeping my fingers crossed that this works!

Have a good day all!


  1. Merlin is adorable. I love that kitten stage. I hope that does deter the groundhog. I always look for Humane ways of getting rid of creatures. Even when I had the mouse problem that I tried peppermint oil to chase them away first.

  2. Merlin is so cute! I am so happy everything is going well with him! I love your mermaid tea light holder! Well done! Looks great! Good luck with the groundhog! I hope it works! Big Hugs!

  3. Merlin looks so cute in your pictures.
    Hope you can deter the groundhog.

    All the best Jan
