Friday, October 05, 2018

Samhain preparations ...

I have begun gathering the items Aurora Skye and I will need for this year's Samhain ritual celebration. I started setting up some of the altar things and the special side altar in honor of our loved ones.

The Witches Cords will be be using with small orange bag, orange, black and gold ribbons, and black obsidian gemstones.

The Ancestor altar with white ritual candle.

This year, she and I will also be joining our long-time High Priestess friend, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and her coven later on in the day for their Samhain ritual and so we will be drinking non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice only for ours earlier in the day.

Our yogurt-covered snacks. I will also take some along to Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's house. 

After our ritual, we will be decorating cinnamon-scented besoms and some wreaths.

I still have much  to do, but there is plenty of time in which to do them as there are a few weeks left before the third harvest. We are very much looking forward to getting together again with our dear friends!


  1. Love your altar. Have been setting up mine, too, and gathering things that I need for my solitary ritual. Wasn't able to do much for Mabon, but Samhain I will NEVER miss, no matter what mess my house is in. Those pretzels look so yummy. Will have to look for them.

  2. Your decorations are so pretty and the besom craft sounds like a lot of fun.

  3. Your decorations look good.
    It was our blogging friend Jan who first introduced me to the word besom. I had to look it up, as I didn't realise the besom is the traditional witch's broom. That's what is so good about blogging you meet some lovely people and are always learning something new …

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. It looks beautiful and sounds wonderful.
    You are creating a lovely Samhain celebration ❤🍂🎃🍁❤

  5. Looks wonderful Kim!!! Big Hugs!
