Saturday, October 06, 2018

The use of Sacred Altars

The use of Sacred Altars - by Lady Caer Morganna

As Wiccan and Pagan practitioners who practice our religion/faith and who hail from all walks of life, we understand the importance of utilizing sacred altars. Regardless of whatever pantheon or tradition we follow, we know that altars serve many different purposes in our daily lives.

 A Spring Equinox/Ostara altar.

 A Lughnasadh altar.

We can set them up either indoor or outdoor for various magickal rituals and/or workings such as honoring and celebrating our seasonal Pagan sabbat holidays, esbat rituals, daily sacraments, or meditations, just to name a few. As a practicing Solitary Wiccan Priestess, I have also used altars to perform sacred rites such as handfastings and interfaith wedding ceremonies for many years.

 A Samhain Ancestor altar.

Altars can be as simple or as elaborate as you deem necessary to your specific need or preference; however, I personally believe that depending upon your particular purpose or magical working that the "fancy" is not necessarily of all that importance. Much of the time, it merely serves as a wonderful atmosphere in which to aid us in creating the proper mindset and helps with visualization as well. After all, it is what is in our hearts and our intent which is of the utmost importance. It is for these reasons that perhaps these are also the most essential and powerful tools we have. 

Brother Draco helps prepare our Midsummer/Litha altar.

 Samhain altar.

It is my belief that altars are extremely important both in our practice and our daily lives.They help us to get closer to the Divine. 

(For whatever the reason, it looks as though the WiccaWeb site is either down or has very recently been closed/deleted. So, I have decided to re-publish my recent article here regarding sacred altars I had written for that site by request.. Thanks!)


  1. Beautiful altars. All are very special. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. These are wonderfully created and beautiful altars. Thank you for sharing the purpose of your Sacred Altars. I can see and feel your love for your faith and religion.

    Hugs ❤🍁🍂💮❤

  3. Very interesting to read, pleased that you re-published this article.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love how the altars look back to traditions and ancestors, and look forward to keeping spirits alive.

  5. They are all so beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing all this Kim! Big Hugs!
