Tuesday, November 06, 2018

A Tuesday quick post ...

Greetings everyone! Just a little Tuesday post as there is not much going on here today. It is yet another wet, miserable rainy day as was yesterday in my area of PA ... yuk!!

In other news, while cleaning up and organizing around the house yesterday (wasn't much else to do anyhow), I received a phone call from my former employer I worked for many years back regarding a claims adjuster position (training actually). They set up an interview to meet with me for today at 1PM. To be honest, I am extremely nervous. I have not had to deal with office workforce interviews and tests (especially on the computer!) in at least 14 years since my last job. I called up the human resources department from my recent former employer to make sure that my "possibly" taking a job for another insurance company would not interfere with my severance pay as they made us sign a contract just after we got let go from them. They told me no, I will still continue to receive that benefit until the first week of January. Oh well, I can only do the best I can and see what (if anything) comes of it.

My dad, my husband, me, and my mom on my wedding day - 2001.

I also got a call yesterday from my mom. Nothing important at all, she said she saw the article in our local newspaper about the Reading Pagan & Witches Masquerade Ball which I attended over the weekend. She was freaking about it (I told her beforehand that I was going and even showed her my costume) and she also wanted to know why I did not mention who was hosting it. I told her the truth - that it was just a masquerade party with music, food, dancing, raffle prizes, etc. and to be honest, I never even thought twice about "who" was holding it so I never relayed that ... not that it matters at all! I love my mother dearly, but she never accepted the fact that I am a Wiccan even after all these years. She is certainly NOT my dad who not only supported me but completely understood it. In fact, she threatened to not attend my wedding years ago because I did not get married as a Christian in a church somewhere. - my beloved father convinced her otherwise. Funny thing is, she had not stepped foot in a church in many, many years now and when my brother and I stopped going to church when I was 14 years old, she stopped going as well.  Family, what  can you do sometimes, eh?

After my interview, I will finish up my puttering around the house. Hopefully, tomorrow we will see some sun again! Have a great day all!


  1. Wishing you all the best on your interview. You are going to ace it.

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! I really appreciate your vote of confidence ... gonna need it today lol!

  2. Good luck!

    Mothers! Sometimes they can drive you crazy!

  3. Good luck with your interview. Family! Gotta love 'em. =^,.^=

  4. Wishing you good luck for your interview.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Tell Mom that you love her but you are old enough and wise enough to make your own decisions.
    My children were raised Catholic. Our one daughter has recently joined a church of another religion. She is almost 48 years old and I am certain that she can make her own decisions and will.

    Hugs ❤❤❤

    1. Very wise words indeed. Thank you dear Jan!

      Hugs and blessings!

  6. I hope everything went well with the interview Kim! So excited for you!
    I love your wedding picture!
    What can you do about family??? LOL!
    Big Hugs!
