Thursday, November 08, 2018

Throwback Thursday

Greetings all and happy Thursday! I want to thank everyone for your well wishes on my job interview. As far as I know, it went fairly well. I scored an 83 percent on my test and now I wait and see if they contact me in regards to whether I will be expected to be hired or not.

After my interview, I had to buy a couple of new dress pants as the ones I bought a few months ago were a little big around the waist. No big deal really since I wore a nice blouse over top of them, but at least I have some pants that fit better for now.

I also had to stop off at the CVS Pharmacy store for a few little items. While I was there, I saw this cool little snow globe and decided to place one of the costume pics from the weekend in it. It kinda reminded me of a crystal ball ...

Here is a left over pic taken before we left for the ball last Saturday night ...

Today, I must take my mom to her eye doctor appointment as she can not drive home after they put the drops in her eyes to dilate them. Not much else going on after that but to go home and chill with the kitties the rest of the day. Have a great one friends!!


  1. Glad the interview went well. Congrats on smaller size pants. The picture in the snow globe is cool. Have a good day.

  2. So glad the interview went well. I know how intimidating they can be. Nice job on the smaller size pants. Feels good, doesn't it?

  3. So pleased that the interview went well.
    I think the photograph in the snow globe looks very good.

    All the best Jan

  4. 83 percent! Good going girl! Proud of you! Congrats on the smaller size of pants! Love the picture in the snow globe and love the last picture of you and your hubby! I hope your mom's appointment went well! Big Hugs!
