Thursday, November 15, 2018

Hey there everyone!

Greetings friends! Sorry I have not been around much this week, but as you can well imagine I have been pretty distracted as of late with some things. However, I did want to apologize and let you all know that I will be around to your blogs at some point today. I also want to thank everyone for your kind words regarding my last post about my MIL. I will try to update you as much as I am able to. For now, things are touch and go with her as her doctor recently pulled her driver's license due to (I believe anyway) a combination of her health issues and her last stunt with her alcohol problem showing up for the umpteenth time on her hospital medical records.

We are under a winter weather advisory for today and they are calling for a wintery mix of snow, sleet and rain with snow up to three inches possibly. We shall see, but right now it is very dark and cloudy outside here. In fact, it has already begun snowing ...

Yesterday, I had lunch with my friend Deb. We ended up going to the Park City Mall and I found a great sale at Boscov's Department Store on left over Halloween shirts. I just could not resist this one ... lol!
I also bought this lovely mermaid necklace. It says, "Believe" ...
(Front and back)

Wishing you all a blessed day! 


  1. Same weather watch here, only we'll be getting about an inch. Good thing the doctor pulled your MIL's license. Too many deaths caused by alcohol. Love that sweater, and the necklace? It's awesome. I was glad to hear from you.

  2. Stay warm and stay safe Kim.
    I do hope that your MIL gets better but alcoholism can be very destructive in a person's life.
    Neat top and a lovely necklace.

    Hugs Dear Kim ❤

    1. Thank you, Jan. And you are quite right about alcoholism.

  3. Ugh, we're getting your storm tonight. Weather dudes just upped our totals to 4 - 7 inches. Love the witches tee :-D And wear the lovely necklace in good health. Stay warm and safe.

  4. Good to hear from you Kim! Please take it easy with the weather! I think the same system is coming my way too! It's dark and snowy outside right now! I really hope your MIL gets help and I hope she accepts it! Love your Halloween shirt and beautiful mermaid pendant! Big Hugs!

  5. I do like the Halloween top and mermaid necklace.
    Hope you are keeping warm, that snow definitely makes me feel cold.

    Thinking of you, and hoping that your MIL gets better.

    All the best Jan
