Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday odds and ends ...

Happy Friday! Not much planned for the weekend, how 'bout you? We had the snow mix all day yesterday. I think I will just stay in today and clean up the house after clearing off the snow in the driveway and on the cars. We got hit pretty hard for the FAR TOO EARLY first snow fall of the season and we ended up getting about 7 inches in my area followed by sleet and rain as predicted. The roads were horrible, there were accidents everywhere, and I only thank Goddess I did not have to venture out into it. However, I do worry so about my sister and her hubby making a safe trip home from work every time we get a snow storm. 

In other news, I received an email yesterday morning from our dear long-time High Priestess friend of many years, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon regarding her upcoming Yule ritual celebration in December. Both my sister Aurora Skye and I got an invite to join she and her coven as we did this past Samhain. Speaking of Yule, I picked up a really great small electric Himalayan fireplace space heater on sale at a good price at Ollie's Bargain Outlet on Thursday. I plan on using in my altar room this winter ...

Has anyone been watching American Horror Story: Apocalypse and seen the season finale on Wednesday night? This series is a string of stories tied together using the same general actors and actresses and IMO it is either hit or miss with their stories - some really good and some not so much let's just say. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed with the ending as much as they built it up the last few episodes. Although it was nice to see yet another cameo by Stevie Nicks, it was truly pointless and added absolutely nothing to the story itself. In this scene, she sang a lovely version of her song, 'Gypsy' on the piano. Have to say it was quite beautiful of course ...

"Hello witches!"
To watch and listen to this version of 'Gypsy' just click here.

)o(        )o(       )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(

Well friends, here is one last Elton John song for the road. Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. We got less than 3 inches here, but it was the heavy wet stuff that makes travel hazardous. Hubby decided it was a good time to make some money so despite my pleas, he went out to drive. He was right. Had a good nigh financially, but that doesn't say much for my nerves and lack of sleep worrying about him.

  2. The snow could have been pretty without the freezing stuff.
    Neat "fireplace"...I love the feeling of hearth and home.
    How wonderful that you and your sister received an invite.
    Have a great celebration.

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  3. No snow yet in the UK … although I think it's due to get a lot colder next week, so we wait and see.

    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. We got about the same amount of snow as you. Then it rained which made the fluffy snow turn into concrete. It was so heavy to shovel and it kept clogging the snowblower chute. More snow before the weekend is out. Yay! Not!. Himself's college was delayed 2 hours. He only had 1 class so he decided to cancel. I was glad as some of the roads were really bad at the time he would have had to leave. The Eldest took this week off so I didn't have to worry about her driving home from work in the snow. At least I hope she stayed home and off the roads. The space heater looks cute and will make a cozy addition to your room.

  5. We got lots of snow too! But, this weekend, suppose to be rain! Have a great time at your Yule celebration! Love that heater you got! Love the colour! Big Hugs!
