Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Holiday Eve quick post ... from Merlin

Merlin here posting for mommy today. She has been pretty busy lately (I keep her going all the time!) so she asked me to write a quick post for her. BTW, don't I look cute playing wit my toys in the catio?

Anyway, mommy had a special request this week from her friend Deb to crochet a baby blanket for her grandson J.J. She will be giving it to her tonight when she goes to dinner wit her to pick up the homemade pumpkin bread for tomorrow (hope she gives me some of that bread) ...

She says she is also working on a special scarf as a gift for Auntie Aurora Skye's husband. Since he loves the Pittsburgh Steelers football team, she is making him a decorative scarf for Yule. She will post a pic of it after she is finished wit it.

From me and my kitty siblings (and momma too, of course) here is wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Day for those who celebrate it wit their family and friends!

~  Luv Merlin 


  1. Merlin, you're so sweet. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope you get a piece of pumpkin bread, too.

  2. What a lovely post …
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    All the best Jan

  3. Thank you Merlin! I love this post! Tell your mom, we love her and tell your siblings, we love them too! Love that blanket Kim! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Big Hugs!
