Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday this and that ...

Good morning dear friends and welcome to another Monday. Since this is a holiday week and Thursday is Thanksgiving, I will not be around much. My mom and I were invited to a family dinner at a relatives house and we will be going there this year. I also have a lot of running around to do this week so I will be fairly busy. I have decided to take a break from FB as well. I just need to get away from it for a little while, but for now I will still be blogging until further notice.  

To be honest, my heart is just not into the holidays very much this year, but I am trying hard to raise my spirits and push on. Usually decorating helps make me feel a lot better so we shall see. As my wise dad used to always say whenever I would ask him how he managed to get through the really hard times in his life, "Well, I just try to remember that there is always someone out there in this world who has worse troubles than me." And alas, he was right of course.

I will be picking up some homemade pumpkin bread on Wednesday from my friend Deb to take along with me for Thanksgiving dinner. I do not like to show up at someones house and not show my appreciation by not bringing a gift or something.

Have a great and blessed week everyone!


  1. Kim, I wish you much peace and happiness on this holiday, and every day, night, and early dark morning hours you're in my friend!

  2. Hard to believe the holidays are already upon us. Time is moving too quickly for me. In case I don't get a chance, I'd like to wish you and yours all the best this holiday season.

  3. Your father was very wise. Remember you it's ok to feel less than enthusiastic and not get caught up in all the hullabloo. Just be kind to yourself. Do what makes you happy. Blessed be.

  4. "Well, I just try to remember that there is always someone out there in this world who has worse troubles than me." These are wise words from your Dad.

    I hope you have a good week, sending my good wishes for Thanksgiving.

    All the best Jan

  5. I agree with what CJ said! Be kind to yourself! Do what makes you happy! A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Kim! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving dear Kim.
    I do hope that you find peace and happiness very soon.

    Hugs ❤❤❤
