Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Sunday surprise!

Happy Sunday everyone! The weather had been wonderful for the past couple of days here. With temps in the mid to high 50's, I was thrilled to be able to take my relaxing and healthy walks again which I haven't been able to do since at least last September and trust me, it felt great!

As I had mentioned earlier to my sweet friend Stacy of her blog Magic Love Crow, I plan to begin crafting again very soon and to celebrate the coming of Ostara and the Spring Equinox I am going to craft a decorative spring wreath to be held in a blog giveaway for all of you! As soon as I am finished with it, I will post a pic and the details of the wreath drawing.  :)

Also, in honor of one of my all-time favorite rock bands, Led Zeppelin's 50th year anniversary, I have decided to post Led Zepagain's excellent live performances every day until Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoy them as much (or almost as much) as I do! This wonderful Led Zeppelin tribute band has gained the respect of not only Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, but the respect of John Bonham's son Jason Bonham  - who is a chip off the old block and a very talented musician in his own right. So much so that after this band met the rest of the members of Led Zeppelin after they were personally invited by them to attend the live Celebration Day concert in December of 2012, Jason decided to join them for a performance on stage as a featured guest and played drums for Led Zepagain live on the song "Rock and Roll" (but more about that for another post).

But first, here is a wonderful clip of the real Led Zeppelin from the classic 1979 Celebration Day performance in Knebworth.
Have a blessed Sunday all!!


  1. Oooh, something to look forward to. I have a Winter wreath you made hanging up in my studio.

    1. That's cool! So glad you enjoy the wreath. This one will most probably be more to your liking as it will be a spring wreath and I am calling it "Spring Forward."

      Have a great one, CJ!

  2. Isn't it good to get out there and walk. I love it. Went out today. It was cold, but the sun was shining brightly and it just felt so good. Looking forward to seeing your wreath.

  3. Great Kim! You are able to take your walks again. To me the very best form of exercising'
    Another give-away! YEA!!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  4. Isn't it great to take a walk :)
    Hope your weekend has been a good one.

    All the best Jan

  5. Good for you, getting out and walking around!
    Led Zeppelin is the best!
    big Hugs!
