Saturday, February 09, 2019

Saturday odds and ends

Greetings, friends! On Thursday, I joined my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby in celebrating his 60th birthday. We met at our favorite haunt, Flanagan's Pub for dinner and drinks ...

Jim opening his birthday cards.

Aurora and hubby.


Jim and our friend Kevin.


Photo bomb while enjoying our tasty desert - a slice of Bailey's Irish Cream cheesecake! LOL!!
I also want to share something with you that I found on one of the Jimmy Page sites on FB that I am a member of. One of the members shared this video of a Jimmy Page impersonator who plays for a Led Zeppelin tribute band called "Led Zepagain." These guys are FABULOUS and MR. JIMMY (Jimmy Sakurai) is an absolutely incredible musician! Cord for cord, he is undeniably  THE BEST Jimmy Page impersonator ever  - seriously! I really love this guy. In both stage presence and musicianship, he is literally Jimmy Page's doppelganger. Let's just say that MR. JIMMY has just acquired another new fan ... ME! (To read more about MR. JIMMY, please click on this link)

and Jimmy Page ...

MR. JIMMY with Mr. Page! Jimmy Page, btw, is also a MR. JIMMY fan! In fact, MR. JIMMY is the only member of the Led Zepagain band who received an actual standing ovation from 'the Master' Jimmy Page himself after seeing him perform live on a Tokyo, Japan tour in 2012. That is the quite the kudos from Mr. James Patrick Page who also gave MR. JIMMY a hug and sent him a signature message ...

 A very impressed Jimmy Page.

This vid clip is just a little sampling of MR. JIMMY'S tremendous talent. It is "White Summer" (Led Zeppelin's usual intro into the song "Kashmir" which goes right into that song). If you wish to skip straight to the song "Kashmir," just forward to the time of 5:11 at the bottom of the video on widescreen. : - )


  1. That cheesecake looks awesome! OMG the resemblance! "Jimmy" could be Jimmy's son!

    1. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday! You are all having a great time and it shows.
      They are like "two peas in a pod"...amazing!!!
      Happy Saturday Kim~
      Hugs xxx

  2. I love the photos! Looks like everyone had a great time at the birthday celebration! That cake looks so good! Very cool about "Jimmy"! Big Hugs!

  3. Looks like a fabulous birthday - and yummy cheesecake!

    All the best Jan
