Friday, February 01, 2019

Friday this and that

Happy Friday everyone! As tomorrow is Imbolg, I am doing some last minute preparations for our ritual celebration Saturday. As is my plan, I will wake up early in the morning to watch our very own Punxsutawney Phil make his annual Groundhog Day winter weather prediction live from Gobbler's Knob on the National news. 

Then, my sister Aurora Skye and I are planning to perform our personal Imbolg ritual and then spend the remainder of the day together catching up.

 I adorned my Brigit's Bed with spring flowers.

 I mixed our Imbolc/Imbolg oil for anointing during ritual. It includes a combination of bay and rosemary leaves, basil, vanilla, cinnamon, sandalwood, and frankincense essential oils.

Last night, I had dinner with my friends Deb and Dave at P.J.'s. I had my usual grilled chicken sandwich and Deb and I split an appetizer (fried pickles) ...

... and drinks ...

A White Berry Sangria and a Cupid's Kiss

 Dave 'n' me.

Deb and daughter Rayann.

Rayann's fiance and J.J.'s daddy Julian.

Have  a wonderful day all!


  1. Your Brigit's bed looks beautiful and what a lovely essential oil blend. I'm writing it down so I can diffuse it tomorrow. I think we had fried pickles at Perkin's when we visited the Eldest. What a surprise at how good they tasted! Stay warm!

  2. I love your Brigit's Bed. My goodness, I do have to get a move on. Only me for Imbolc, but I do have to prepare. Just been too cold to do so.

  3. How lovely your Brigit's Bed is Kim. I love the tale of Cailleach...hope she sleeps, too :)
    I have never had fried pickles...but they look tasty.
    Your altar looks beautiful. I always enjoy your photos.

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  4. Your Brigit's Bed looks good and the combination of those essential oils sounds wonderful.
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. Such a great post Kim! I love deep fried pickles! LOL! Your altar looks so beautiful! Truly love all the pictures of you and your friends! Big Hugs!
