Saturday, February 02, 2019

A ritual and a groundhog

Blessed Imbolc/Imbolg, my dear friends! After a week of cold, nasty weather we have had a gorgeous winter day here today! My sister Aurora Skye and I had a wonderful time and we very much enjoyed our Imbolg celebration together ...

My beautiful sister!

And finally, this morning our own Punxutawney Phil predicted an EARLY SPRING ... YAY! LOL!!! ...

 To see SEE Phil's live 2019 prediction, just click on this link.


  1. Thanks for sharing your ritual. Great pictures. You and your sister are both beautiful. All my plans fell apart at the last minute when my back went totally out.

  2. So nice to have a sister to share things with. I'm so glad Phil decided we'll have an early Spring. A happy thought to get through these last 6 weeks of Winter. Hopefully a taste of things to come on Tuesday

  3. How wonderful for you and your sister to share this beautiful Imbolg celebration together.
    I love what you wrote on the one photo... beautiful!

    Hugs Dear Kim ❤❤❤

  4. Do you really think we are getting an early Spring?? Actually, I hope not! LOL! Such a beautiful celebration with you and your sister! Love all the photos Kim! Big Hugs!
