Friday, February 22, 2019

Fun Friday!

Greetings, my dear friends and I hope this Friday finds you all doing well! The weather has warmed up here as predicted and, I totally agree with CJ on this one, I hope we are finally done with the nasty weather and freezing temps for this winter.

I love to work with my hands whether I am building something or crafting. Lately I have felt like being creative again and so I created something I have not done in a couple of years - I made two scrapbooks. I was at our local A.C. Moore Store on Monday and noticed that they were having a sale on scrapbooks. So, I decided to buy two - one for a book idea I have been wanting to work on for a while now and an extra. The new scrapbook I put together is a special one I created for Jimmy Page (with Mr. Jimmy Sakurai added to it as well). I used all of my leftover scrap booking decorations and stickers, etc., and some cool photos I collected ...

I used a musical note and dragon charms to add a special little touch. The dragon symbolizes Jimmy Page's iconic dragon outfit.

I ended up having more photos and things left over than I thought I would so I made yet another Page and Mr. Jimmy scrapbook. I organized it chronologically and placed quotes and things on the pages, etc. These books are loaded with all kinds of cool memorabilia. 👍
Akio "Mr. Jimmy" Sakurai tribute section ...

And lastly, my birthday is tomorrow and my friend Kiki is planning on treating me to a birthday lunch at Abblebee's. Deb will also be joining us. Then on Sunday, my sister Aurora and I are going to spend the day together. Can't wait! 

Have a great weekend everyone! I leave you all with this ... last video for awhile, I promise LOL! ENJOY!  💓


  1. Fantastic scrapbook with lots of details and special dragons and it!

    Happy Birthday!!! Sounds as if you have some wonderful people to share it with!
    Great Big Hugs, Dear Kim xoxoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much, my dear friend! Love and blessings!

  2. Happy Birthday and here's to many more healthy ones!

  3. Happy Birthday Kim!!! Well done on the scrapbooks! I love them! Big Hugs!

  4. Scrapbooks look good.
    Slightly belated Happy Birthday Wishes.

    All the best Jan
