Thursday, February 21, 2019

Being a Witch

Being a Witch is something you are, and it’s a part of your everyday life. It’s not an alter ego you put on when the moon is full.

After all the revelations, mystical rituals, classes, there is a point where you need to run all the threads through your own life and make it your own. The first time you experience ritual or feel the presence of a Deity can be mind blowing. The next step is to make it part of your day to day life.

You wake up in the morning, put pants on, pour whiskey to the gods, or greet the sun (whatever your witchy thing is), say a daily devotion, go to work deal with your boss, run the kids to school, feed the animals, shop for groceries etc. etc. It’s not separate from your life. It weaves into the flow of your everyday life.

Source: Just Your Everyday Witch (Facebook page)

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