Thursday, February 21, 2019

What's up?

Good day friends and happy Thursday! Well, we had a bit more snow mixed with sleet again yesterday, but now it is beginning to melt as the temps are in the mid to high 50's here today. This pic is from yesterday afternoon's little storm ...

For dinner last night, I cooked up some elbow macaroni to add to the leftover meatballs and sauce from a couple of evenings ago. I also made some chicken tender nuggets (with barbecue sauce) and mozzarella sticks (with marinara sauce) in the air fryer ... 😎

I had to drop off my car 'Dimples' (my hailstorm-dented car) and since there wasn't much else that I could do yesterday, I chilled with the critters ...


  1. Your food looks delicious. You are much like me. We throw things together and make a yummy meal. Wasn't nice, though, to have some quiet time for yourself? I love those days.

  2. Mmm, leftovers. I didn't like leftovers as a kid, but now they save so much time cooking. We had the same storm yesterday. Sun is just coming out and temps are supposed to rise so things will melt. I hope this was the last storm for the season. Chilling with the critters is a perfect way to spend a stormy day

  3. My stomach is groaning at me to feed it after my eyes showed it all of this scrumptious food...yummmm!
    How nice that you could relax and spend some quality time with the fur babies.

    Hugs Kim~

  4. Chilling with the critters just makes perfect sense :)

    All the best Jan

  5. Your food looks so good! I love left overs! You look so cute with your fur babies! Big Hugs!
