Sunday, March 24, 2019

A very special Ostara celebration!

After spending most of the day downstairs in the altar room cleaning up and performing some much needed updates on my two laptops on Friday, I finally finished preparing for yesterday's Ostara ritual.

The altar before we began. The bunny bag of goodies was a fun little gift that I planned to give to my sister Aurora. I also decided to utilize my ceramic mermaid incense burner as we will soon be getting into the season of summer and thought it rather fitting.

For our ceremonial cakes and offering, we had chocolate mint cupcakes and instead of our usual ritual wine this year we used mint-flavored rum with cream. 😊

The Ostara ritual for two which we had used.

As you can see, we placed colored eggs all around the perimeter of the circle before we started.

Dark Elf joined us via SKYPE from Pendeli, Attiki, Greece - a very lovely surprise indeed! ...

We "saged" ourselves (cleansed our bodies using the sage smoke) and anointed each other with the Ostara ritual oil following the calling of the corners and before invoking the Lord and Lady.

The symbolic Great Rite - one of my absolute favorite elements during any ritual ceremony. After our entire ritual was over, we continued to head outdoors to give back to the Earth as we always make sure to do. 💕

We had some leftover beverages and snacky foods to enjoy such as pastel-colored M&M's, vanilla cakes, and chocolate mint flavored cupcakes!


  1. Oh, so much fun...and so many sweet little treats to enjoy. Love your little rituals.

  2. I wish Spring would begin up here. Your ritual sounds like a lovely way to bring in the season. The rose bouquet made me smile. Like all the pretty colored eggs you had suddenly bloomed.

  3. A beautiful ceremony and a lovely celebration among you, your sister and Dark Elf.
    How wonderful of you, dear Kim, to share this uplifting Ostara Celebration with us... thank you!

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  4. Fabulous photographs you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  5. A very beautiful ceremony Kim! Thanks for the beautiful photos! Big Hugs!
