Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday montage

Greetings friends! One of the things that my sister and I enjoy about getting together is frequenting a few of our favorite shoppes around town. And last Saturday before our ritual ceremony was no exception.

One of our stops was at our favorite Wiccan and new age supply shoppes, Celtic Myth & Moonlight where I used one of my awesome birthday presents from my friend Kiki and my god-daughter Kyli - a $10.00 gift certificate.

A lovely brand new book called, "Sea Magic" written by Sandra Kynes ...

A pretty short-sleeved dress with a matching shawl that reminds me a lot of autumn. I really love the color, cut, and the print of this dress ...
Since the stores owner, Dot just recently stocked up on more handcrafted votive candles, I bought a few more while I was there. Goddess, I love this store!
And at Barnes & Noble I found a bargain table book on astrology ...

"We are born at a given moment in a given place and, like vintage  years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born." ~ Carl Jung

For those of you who are like me and have been following the HBO series, "Game of Thrones," there is a special issue of Entertainment Magazine showcasing the show. If you are a huge fan of this awesome series, you know that this will be the final season - bummer! I also bought the book, "Fire and Blood" for 30% off at Target.
While standing in line at the checkout, my sister saw this beautiful mermaid pin.

Have a good day all!


  1. Definitely a treasure trove of wonderful things to have!
    That dress is lovely and one can never have to many books :)
    Darling little mermaid pin.

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  2. What a beautiful dress. It looks so good on you. I've been think 'red' lately. Started at the bead show when I heard someone say she was going to go against her usual and buy some red beads to work with. I thought to myself then that I should have gotten so red beads, but had already spent my money. But red beads are still on my mind.

    You are going to enjoy that book that book by Saundra Kynes. It's awesome. I haven't been into Game of Thrones, but thinking about checking it out. Candles are one of my addictions. Enjoy them.

  3. I love poking through the new age store. There's one in Mystic, CT that my friend, Red, and I love to stop in.Looks like you found some lovely treasures

  4. That dress is lovely, it really suits you.

    All the best Jan

  5. You got some amazing treasures Kim! I love the dress and shawl on you! Game of Thrones starts on April 14th! Happy Dance! LOL! Big Hugs!
