Friday, March 29, 2019

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday friends!

I thought I would share with you a couple of my Egyptian statues which have adorned my altar room for quite a few years now. This one is Bastet (Bast) the cat goddess worshiped mainly by the people of the city Bubastis. Bastet was the ancient Egyptian goddess of protection, dance, fun, and cats. She was the warrior daughter and defender of Ra, who sent her to fight his archenemy Apep. She was worshiped at least since the Second Dynasty in Ancient Egypt.

My Bastet statue and incense stick holder.

And this one is Anubis - the Egyptian god of death and transition safely guiding the deceased into the underworld. Anubis was also the god of embalming of the dead. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that he watched over the dead. Anubis was the god who helped to embalm Osiris after he was killed by Seth.

Speaking of statues, yesterday I was poking around our local Boscov's Department Store and saw a sale on this beautiful Jim Shore figurine. It so reminded me of the goddess Brigit that I just had to get it for next year's altar.
 I also bought this little Jim Shore piece called "Bunny with a Carrot." What can I say? I am a big fan of the artist Jim Shore!

Last night's dinner - a thinly sliced sirloin steak with seasoned mashed potatoes.

This is a celestial design mold that I bought a couple of years ago because I was thinking about trying to learn how to make my own soaps and such, but I never did get around to it. Well, recently I decided to use it for another purpose - filling it up with water and making ice cubes with it instead.

Here is a closer look at the lovely shawl I bought on Saturday while out with my sister at Celtic Myth & Moonlight. It is made with crushed velvet with pretty little beads ...

The weather was so beautiful yesterday that I finally had a chance to go for one of my long walks again. It was in the 50's and sunny all day and it is supposed to be in the 60's here tomorrow and in the high 50's throughout the weekend as well. YAY!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. The statues are all so pretty. Hard to pick a favorite, but it would have to be the statue of Bast. Reminds me of Ink. I used to make my own soap. Just bought the melt and pour stuff from Michael's. I liked the goat's milk soap the best and I added my own essential oils. Fun alternate use for the soap mold. The shawl is just gorgeous. I'm looking forward to warmer temps this weekend though we might get some rain today. Enjoy your walks.

  2. Thanks for sharing your Egyptian statues. I have a small Bastet which I love. I'd love to get Isis but everything I have found so far is above my budget. Yes, she does look just like Brigit. She is beautiful. Your dinner looks so yummy. Steak and potatoes. One of my faves. What a beautiful shawl. I'm in love. We're hitting the 50's today. About time.

  3. All your statues are so beautiful Kim! Your new Jim Shore ones are so beautiful! I love the idea for your ice cubes! That shawl is gorgeous, WOW!!! Love! Enjoy your walks! Big Hugs!

  4. Your Egyptian statues look very nice, thanks for showing them in your photographs.
    Enjoy your walks, we have had some lovely sunny days and it is so nice to be outside enjoying the better weather.

    All the best Jan
