Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Throwback Thursday!

💓  Lady Tabitha through the years ... 💓

Tabitha playing with my beloved Mr. Midnight while he groomed her - the ONLY one of my fur babies that she has ever bonded with!

 )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(

On a completely unrelated subject, I simply felt the need to clear something up regarding the recent Ostara ritual pics - and any other ritual pics for that matter which are taken and are posted here on my blog. These photos are NOT actually taken during our ritual ceremonies as these are sacred celebrations and therefore I personally believe it disrespectful to take pics during our rituals. The photos which you see were taken either before or after ritual in order to share with you how I/we normally celebrate. And on that note, I wish to thank you all so much for following us here - we appreciate every one of you! 💗



  1. Tabitha is a beautiful cat. She looks so loving. You are blessed that she in your life.

    1. She is a very gentle and loving cat - albeit pretty timid, but very, very sweet!

  2. In the sitting photos, Tabitha is so regal looking. She looks soft and very fluffy, too. Give her a cuddle from me.

    1. Yes, she is VERY fluffy and will do - she loves cuddles!

  3. It's so nice to see that they have a home where they are truly loved.

    1. Thank you, Lon. She is our little princess of the house!

  4. Give Tabitha a hug from me! So cute!!! Big Hugs!

  5. Lovely photographs of Tabitha …

    All the best Jan
