Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Getting ready for Ostara ... and a little holiday humor

As we get closer to Ostara and the Spring Equinox, I have begun to prepare my ritual altar and sacred space.There will be a final Supermoon for this calendar year 2019 this week as well - Wednesday evening March 20th with Ostara (the first day of Spring) and a Full Moon being the same day. I will most probably sit outside in my backyard and enjoy the Supermoon in quiet solitude. And, if I am lucky, I may be able to capture a nice pic or two with my camera if it does not rain. They  are calling for mostly cloudy and some rain here so we shall see. 😒

With the ritual already written and completed, I am halfway finished and ready to go for Aurora and my ritual celebration. As usual, it is always extra special whenever I am able to get together with my sister for these sacred holiday sabbat celebrations. 😁

And finally, a bit of relaxing mood music for Tuesday - and a rare video of Jimmy Page post-Zep performing an instrumental version of Chopin's Prelude n.4 at a charity concert (A.R.M.S.) benefit for  Multiple Sclerosis in 1983. I hope you enjoy!!


  1. Although Autumn is my favorite time of the year, possibly because I am so sick of the summer heat I relish the cool breezes, spring has a special place in my heart. First of all, it's my birthday month and secondly for the new life beginning to bud. I come alive in the spring just as I settle in to hibernate in the fall.

  2. Your altar decorations made me smile. Nice to be able to celebrate with family and friends. The cartoons brought smiles, too.

  3. So nice to celebrate with family.

    All the best Jan

  4. Didn't do much for Ostara, our local pagan group is having a pot luck on Sunday.
    Coffee is on

  5. Thanks for the funnies! LOL! Big Hugs!
