Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy first day of Spring!

Yup, you guessed it, it's Ostara/Spring Equinox! I will post more on our ritual celebration within the next few days, but I do wish everyone a very BLESSED FIRST DAY OF SPRING! And oh yes, just a little reminder that at approximately 9:43pm tonight the Super Full Moon will be showing Her beauty here in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the start of the Spring Equinox which officially begins at 5:38pm EDT (only hours before the Supermoon)  - very rare and very exciting!

(Photo credit:

While at the Barnes & Noble bookstore the other day, I picked up the latest issue of Reiki Magazine . There was an interesting article in it about reiki aiding shelter cats  ...

I also used my new Yankee votive candles this week to burn in my used Hershey's Syrup tin after the original chocolate-scented wax was all done. I placed the Chocolate Layer Cake votive candle inside a small votive candle holder then put it inside the tin. It smells heavenly!

Last night for dinner, I decided to make some pork chops in the air fryer with taco rice on the side ...

And while I was at it, I made myself some chicken breast patties for grilled chicken sandwiches for the next few days. This was the first time I tried using the Power Air Fryer to make these as  I usually cook them in my George Foreman Grill - and OMG, they got really yummy good! 


)o(      )o(      )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(      )o(

💙💚💛💜 Brightest Blessings everyone!! 💙💚💛💜


  1. Happy First Day of Spring! I'll be coming home from class so i hope the sky is clear to be able to see the super full moon. I bet that chocolate candle smells heavenly. And labeling your food with your name made me smile. I just put a big NO on the label. :-D Headbutts to the kitties. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, CJ! I know what you mean, it is supposed to be cloudy and hazy here as well after 4pm and throughout the evening so it is rather unlikely that I will be able to see the moon let alone get any pics, but we will see. ;)

      Have a great day!

  2. We'll celebrate with edible chocolate here. I hope to be able to see the moon tonight. It was a beautiful sight last night. My poor cell phone doesn't get good moon photos, and I wish I knew how to get better shots. Ah, well, my heart's memory will just have to do. Happy Spring!

  3. Happy Spring :)

    I do like pork chops, always tasty.

    All the best Jan

  4. I hope you're enjoying Spring Kim! I think it has arrived here! I would love to smell that chocolate candle! LOL! Big Hugs!
