Thursday, March 21, 2019

Throwback Thursday ... and other stuff

Greetings all! Well, just as predicted, we had a cloudy sky last night for the Super Full Moon - also called the Super Worm Full Moon Equinox. I tried to capture a few pics, but between the hazy sky and the fact that I have a very limited camera range on my digital camera, these were the best I could do ...
As you can see by the clouds moving very quickly in front of the moon, it was hard to get a clear shot of Her from my backyard.

Leo looked on from our living room window while I tried to get some pics outside of the Super Full Moon.

 )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(

As time goes by ...

With my sister Aurora after our Mabon ritual celebration - 2015.

An old pic of me having lunch with a beloved and very dear friend Tom at my first apartment in Shillington, PA taken back in 1990.

It would seem that what they say about the internet is correct - once you put something 'out there' it is there for life. I came across another Wiccan/Pagan website that "borrowed" my poem, "Eostre." The truth is, I really do not mind so long as the site gives me credit (and they usually do) for my poetry and post articles which they use. After all, my main reason/purpose for creating my blog "The Wiccan Life" in the first place was to have a site which both new and current practicing witches and Pagans could reference if they choose to.

(In case anyone wished to check out, here is the link to the site I found my poem in:

And finally, two old pics of my Eostre wreaths which I had created a few years back ...

Wishing everyone a great one!


  1. I love seeing your old pictures. I didn't even get a chance to see the moon last night. Usually I get a good view through my window, but maybe it was cloudy. Didn't see anything.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I imagine that it was cloudy where you live as well as here? It makes it really difficult to get a decent photo of such a special event, but at least I was able to actually SEE the moon none-the-less. ;)

  2. Your moon pics are very ethereal. And I love Leo's eyes looking a bit like moons.

    1. Wow, thanks so much for that cool description of my photos! Yes, Sir Leo is quite the character alright! LOL!

  3. Your moon photos were fantastic!
    I especially love the one with the clouds moving over the moon...magical, and the one of Leo looking out of the window.
    Lovely photo of you and your it!
    One should always give credit if they "borrow" something from another blog and they should not use anything that is copyrighted unless permission is given by the author/artist.
    I always love your beautiful wreaths and I am proud to own a couple of them :)


  4. I was hoping you'd get good moon photos :) We had rain here 'til late, but I got a good view quite late of the moon high in the sky.

    1. Yup, I tried my best as cloudy as it was last night. But, today it has been pouring down rain all day and is supposed to continue until 12am so I guess if the Super Full Moon would have been tonight instead I would not have gotten any pics at all. :)

      Have a great night!

  5. I like your moon pictures :)

    All the best Jan

  6. I love your moon pics Kim! I love the picture of Leo looking at you! LOL! I hope everyone gives credit, when they use something from another person! Big Hugs!
