Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday odds and ends ...

Well, feed one lone homeless stray cat outside and before you know it, they are telling all of their friends about it ...

As you can see, we have acquired FOUR stray kitties who have been stopping by almost every night for the  past few weeks or so - two orange tabbies, a long-haired gray one, and there is also one with white and gray-striped patches on it. If I had the money, I would trap them in the have a heart trap and get them checked at our vet. No can do right now - and besides, we do not know if these cats have any illnesses, fleas, lice, etc. so we MUST be extremely careful not to handle them for the safety of our own fur babies. One can NEVER be too careful! In the meantime, we will do what we can for them - poor babies. 😟

Sir Leo surveys his house while watching the stray kitties eat outside of the garage door.

On Sunday afternoon, I went grocery shopping with my mom to buy food for this week's meals and I found some great new snacks in the refrigerated section - I bought three new Yoplait Whips flavors - Strawberry, Lemon Meringue, and Cherry Cheesecake. ALL delicious!  👏

Low fat, low calorie frozen yogurt bars. I love to snack on one of these after dinner if I get a craving for ice cream or something kinda sweet - I figure it is better for me at least than eating chocolate bars and other type of candy ...

And I also decided to try these new crisps and sweet sticks that I saw at a cool outlet store which my friend Deb and I visited not too long ago. These snacks are far better for you than candy and they are so yummy! I especially loved the Cheddar Rosemary - ate the entire box by myself!  I have not seen these in any other stores so far around here, but I most definitely would buy these again!
John Wm. Macy's Family Bakery

My mom and I really love grilled chicken sandwiches, so I cooked up a few thinly sliced breast patties for us both in the air fryer last night.

And of course, I saved a couple little pieces to share with one of the stray cats we have been feeding outside - she is very affectionate and we think she may be a "catch and release" kitty because she has a tipped left ear like our Tabitha did when we found her years back.


  1. I've acquired three outdoor furballs. They wait in courtyard for food. A white and black one stays there almost all the time. I feel so bad for them, but there not much I can do except toss them food out the window. The courtyard is locked on all sides. I love those yogurts. They make a chocolate one that is awesome.

  2. So kind of your to feed the stray kitties. Your snacks look yummy especially the Dutch Chocolate Sweet Sticks. Himself and I have been having Halo Top Ice Cream. Light ice cream at 280 - 360 cal. a pint. You could eat the whole thing if you want. Doesn't taste light.

  3. Kind of you to feed the stray cats, but yes you do need to be careful for the safety of your own fur babies.

    All the best Jan

  4. Can't you phone someone, to come get the cats? I feel so bad for them. So kind of you to feed them Kim! Thanks for sharing your healthy treats! They look good! Big Hugs!
